Teppei Ebina, Lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and his colleagues conducted chronic calcium imaging in the motor cortex of common marmosets during the learning of a two-target reaching task. They found that neurons in the dorsocaudal premotor cortex dynamically changed their preferred movement direction during the learning while those …
A research group led by Misako Komatsu, Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology IIR, has elucidated the mechanism of abnormal predictive encoding across the brain hierarchy using autism spectrum disorder (ASD) model marmosets.The research results were published in Communications Biology, and featured in a press release. …
Six of our project members received awards at NEURO2024 in July 2024 as follows. <Isomura research team>Ukyo Tazawa (RIKEN / The University of Tokyo) NEURO2024 Excellence Award for the Training Session for Early-Career Scientists <Doya research team>Nohiro Yamauchi (OIST) NEURO2024 Excellence Award for the Training Session for Early-Career Scientists <Nagai …
An interview with Project Assistant Professor Masahiro Suzuki, Lecturer Akihiro Funamizu, and Professor Jun Tani, and their research project was introduced on Nikkei.com on July 30, 2024. For more details, please refer to the article, “脳型AIは自ら学ぶ、理研など開発へ データ枯渇に対応” which is available only to registered members of Nikkei.com.
A recent study led by Satoko Amemori and Ken-ichi Amemori published in Nature Communications investigated how specific brain circuits regulate emotional responses, providing new insights into the neural basis of depression. This result was published in the international journal Nature Communications and featured in a press Associate professor Ken-ichi Amemori (Invited Research Team C02) and …
Our project leader, Dr. Takuya Isomura at the Brain Intelligence Theory Unit, RIKEN Center for Brain Science, received the Young Scientist’s Award for FY2024 from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Title: 神経回路が持つ生成モデルの推定とそのAI応用に関する研究https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/mext_01364.html
MEXT has opend the Call for Proposals: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-KAKENHI- for FY2024(Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)(Publicly Offered Research)). Our research team will invite proposals with theoretical and experimental researches on unified theory. Details of the expectations for Publicly Offered Research can be found in https://unifiedtheory.jp/en/invited-research-teams/. Application procedures can be …