

List of Publication

2023.11.24: from Komatsu group (B03)

Distributed representations of prediction error signals across the cortical hierarchy are synergistic

Frank Gelens, Juho Äijälä, Louis Roberts, Misako Komatsu, Cem Uran, Michael A. Jensen, Kai J. Miller, Robin A. A. Ince, Max Garagnani, Martin Vinck & Andres Canales-Johnson.

Nat. Commun. 15, 3941 (2024)

2023.11.24: from Ebina and Komatsu group (B02 and B03)

Change detection in the primate auditory cortex through feedback of prediction error signals

Obara K., Ebina T., Terada S., Uka T., Komatsu M., Takaji M., Watakabe A., Kobayashi K., Masamizu Y., Mizukami H., Yamamori T., Kasai K., and Matsuzaki M.

Nat. Commun. 14, 6981 (2023)

2023.08.07: from Isomura group (A01)

Experimental validation of the free-energy principle with in vitro neural networks

Isomura T, Kotani K, Jimbo Y, Friston KJ

Nat. Commun. 14, 4547 (2023)

Press release