Specially Appointed Associate Professor Misako Komatsu (Research Team B03) and her colleagues’ research results were published on July 12, 2024, in “Communications Biology”, an online comprehensive scientific journal in the United States, and were featured in a press release.
Specially Appointed Associate Professor Misako Komatsu (Research Team B03) and her colleagues’ research results were published on July 12, 2024, in “Communications Biology”, an online comprehensive scientific journal in the United States, and were featured in a press release.

Specially Appointed Associate Professor Misako Komatsu (Research Team B03) and her colleagues’ research results were published on July 12, 2024, in “Communications Biology”, an online comprehensive scientific journal in the United States, and were featured in a press release.

A research group led by Misako Komatsu,  Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology IIR, has elucidated the mechanism of abnormal predictive encoding across the brain hierarchy using autism spectrum disorder (ASD) model marmosets.
The research results were published in Communications Biology, and featured in a press release.

Paper: Chao, Z.C., Komatsu, M., Matsumoto, M. et al. Erroneous predictive coding across brain hierarchies in a non-human primate model of autism spectrum disorder. Commun Biol 7, 851 (2024).

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